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Walk all over Cancer

Walk 10,000 steps to fight cancer

Wash Common Dental are taking part in “Walk all over Cancer” this March, a Cancer Research fundraiser.


Walk All Over Cancer is a fundraising and activity challenge that occurs annually every March in aid of the charity Cancer Research UK. Participants are challenged to a sponsored walk of 10,000 steps every day during the month, and all proceeds from the fundraising are donated to the charity.

If you would like to sponsor us, please click on the pink icon at the top to visit our page, or here.

10 Reasons to get walking:

  1. REDUCES STRESS – It’s the perfect way to zone-out and rid yourself of any daily stress. Plus, the exercise-induced endorphins released will leave you feeling better than ever by helping to improve your mood.
  2. MAINTAINS A HEALTHY WEIGHT – Regular walking can help you maintain a healthy weight, burn calories and help tone and strengthen your muscles.
  3. DISCOVER NEW PLACES – Explore your local area by foot and discover somewhere new you didn’t even realise was there.
  4. SAVES MONEY – Cut down on petrol costs by walking to the shops instead. You don’t have to sign up to expensive virtual gym classes either as you can get plenty of excercise in for FREE!
  5. WALK AND TALK – Ring your friends and family, whilst getting in your daily steps. Remember to tell them about your challenge to encourage donations!
  6. LOWERS BLOOD PRESSURE – Being active can help to lower blood pressure and prevent high blood pressure. This helps to lower your risk of heart problems in the future.
  7. INCREASES ENERGY LEVELS – You might sometimes feel like you’re too tired to get out walking, but keeping active can actually boost your energy and help you feel less tired in the long term. 
  8. IMPROVES SLEEP – Adding more activity to your daily routine can help improve the quality of your sleep, meaning you feel more rested in the morning. But be careful that you don’t exercise vigorously too close to bedtime, as this might keep you awake.
  9. SAVES THE PLANET – You can do your bit for climate change by choosing to ditch the car or train for walking instead and avoiding carbon emissions.
  10. HELPS BEAT CANCER – Remember the money you raise from Walking All Over Cancer this month will help fund life-saving research, bringing the cure to cancer one step closer.

Want to get walking? Here are a few ideas on how to hit 10,000 steps a day:

  • Do an online fitness class at home
  • Take the dog for an extra walk
  • Do some gardening
  • Get off the train or bus a stop early
  • Explore your local area
  • Always take the stairs
  • Meet a friend for a socially-distanced walk
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