Housekeeping Updates

Practice Update 28th September 2020:

As you know, the Covid-19 cases are escalating and despite the Governments actions we are concerned that dentistry may be subjected to restrictive activities. If you have any outstanding treatment, we will strongly advise you to contact the practice for this to be resolved.


NHS App:
The Government has launched the Covid-19 App, available through Google Play or the App Store. It is not compulsory, but we are asking everyone to download the app if possible.

  • When you arrive at the practice, we would appreciate it if you could scan the barcode at the reception desk or in each surgery.
  • When you arrive at the practice please let reception know that you are here for your appointment by knocking on the front door and not by calling the practice as this ties up the line.

Temperature checks:
Over the last few weeks, we have been trialling taking temperatures for staff and patients. The Government recommendation is that anyone with a temperature of 37.8 degrees or above should isolate.

  • On arrival at the practice if your temperature is found to be greater than 37.5 degrees we will ask you to wait for 15 minutes and retake the reading, if your temperature remains elevated above 37.5 degrees we may postpone your appointment.

It is important that if a member of your household is isolating you should call the practice before arriving for your appointment.

These are uncertain times that we all face and we have tried to keep the message and rules as clear and concise as possible for the benefit of all patients, staff and their families and we appreciate all the help and cooperation you have given to us.

As always, many thanks to all our staff and patients. 
Dr Seepaul Singh

You can read more about the NHS Tracing App here.

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